Thursday, January 7, 2021

bedspead or ballgown (7/365e)

No more headache, hurrah and, with school still closed for lockdown, it was the first day of homework for the kids. i had fun sitting with henry, reading while he worked ... 

Theodore had a bartered bride rehearsal that we worried would interfere with zoom school, but it didn't, and he got all his homework done afterwards.

Brian grated celeriac for a half hour as a good arm work-out and then I made celeriac "pancakes" and most everyone liked them - another food win.

We got, as a family, almost everything checked off - chores and music and movement for each person, but not quite. Pretty good though. Edward took Henry and Felix up the Schlossberg

brothers sharing the bishop's chair

while I made a stupid ball-gown out of a bedspread ... taking on a challenge from Barbara.

it was hard to look this natural

I went for a long walk with Theodore in the evening and he chatted away and I loved it. 

Late at night Brian and I did more work on the website, and I talked for a while with Nick. Finished two of my books: the music of chance and Siddhartha – which have many surprising similarities, and seem weirdly connected.

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