Friday, January 29, 2021

more books less computers (29/365e)

Another day sleeping late. This time, there were no issues with getting homework done. We watched Gabriel while his mother was out, and a small glass lamp in Theodore's attic room set-up was broken by accident, so I had to clean up some glass and sent them outside to chop up dried up Christmas tree - a great activity for kids.

Henry broke my heart today by saying that everyone in the house except for him an felix are ALWAYS on the computer all day. I'm really not! But I see how he might come to such a conclusion.

Took Henry and Felix to their stimmbildung with Andrea, and while it was Felix's turn Henry wrote a (short but still...) letter to Grandpapa and I read the missing swiss family robinson chapter. We biked back through the city as it was getting dark.

We wrote wishes on papers for tomorrow, a day where none of us have any scheduled things. All of them want to READ! 

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