Wednesday, January 6, 2021

missing things to do other things (6/365e)

More headache, which made me cranky... 

I did so very much reading. 

Brian and I spent much of the day working on the webpage that I am supposed to do and when we had finished what I needed to I headed out to talk to Irmtraud and Barbara about more website stuff, all the necessary but boring back-end stuff  - like even more new youtube thumbnails – stupid but possibly useful job - it does mean I miss wonderful other things, like celebrating epiphany, and using gingerbread tangrams. At least Edward documented the tangram competition for the most christmassy theme.

which is most christmassy?
the angel, the shooting star, or the tree?
they are all equally delicious

the only photos from my own camera were of pokemon cards and the chandelier... i can only assume that I didn't take them, and that perhaps Henry was at work here. I remember many hours as a child taking photos of chandeliers over my head.

it is pretty to look at

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