Friday, January 8, 2021

heisshunger (8/365e)

Schoolwork first, then shenanigans....

lots of merriment can be had ...

....with one broken plastic bag

henry teaching centa

making a string of 10, to better count to 1000

Went into town with felix with not quite enough time really for shopping at the Asian market... on the way out, rushing to get to chorus on time, we lost a glove and had to go back, so we ditched the idea of walking and took a bus and slid in just on time. 

I read and waited with Henry for Felix to get done singing, and then we started the not-so-very long walk home, but about 10minutes after leaving i got really really ... hungry! like "Heisshunger" low blood-sugar, wondering if I would pass out hungry. and in a weird brain wave remembered i had hidden small chocolate coins in everyone's jacket pockets for new years, and the kids hadn't found them yet. everyone, let's just look in our pockets if we have any snacks, like some nuts. "why would we have any nuts?" "i know i have nothing in my pocket except my tram ticket" ... just.... looook! please! after a few minutes of cajoling and checking my own pockets, they opened their zippered pockets, discovered the surprise chocolate, and i begged them for a piece. i'm not sure yet whether i spoiled the magic or not. a few minutes later, i found a chestnut stand packing up and got some chestnuts, and we walked the rest of the way sharing the chestnuts and warming our hands.

i was getting ready to work on the website with brian and have some relaxing red wine, and just as i was pouring the glasses, jacky called and asked to go for a walk. "i'm cooooold, and laaaazy" i told brian. "you should go" he said, so i told jacky i would go for a short walk,... it turned a little long, but it was nice, and when i got back brian was about ready to stop the work on the website, so we just had some wine. that's one way to spend the evening.

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