Sunday, January 10, 2021

importance of being *earnest* (10/365e)

Up very early after only 5 hours of sleep... probably kept awake by the extra light brought by the snow.... snowed all day, and was very pretty

i rehearsed with quintet from 10-4, including a lot of sight-reading of classical stuff etc... we get to play new hungarian dances, maybe!

when i came home, i found the forester girls here and i tried to get a little mini circle contra dance going but at that moment Jackie picked them ... always stop when everyone is having the most fun. as they were leaving, Nina came over and helped me make pad thai for everyone.... a LOT of pad thai.

really a LOT of pad thai

it was a good thing i had brian to help carry it...

serving dinner, now help yourselves!

and when we were really full from dinner, we got to see the Importance of Being Earnest as a family film evening. the kids thought some things were funny, but i think it will take a while before they really get it, still, i remember watching it quite young and loving it.

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