Wednesday, January 13, 2021

hike in the snow (13/365e)

Nina brought over Croissants in the morning before work... sadly i was interrupted a little earlier than expected .. but for a happy reason: a hike with Renate and Otto up Jakobsleiter, to "scope the joint" for a possible project for her. it was funny with me being the immigrant, and her the native of the city for me to be showing her around.

our picnic spot in the snow

demut or mut?

otto and renate

Rushed home in time for Brian to go to his dentist appointment

While Theodore and Henry took themselves to organ practice, I took Felix to his lesson with Brigitta. It was nice to read while he learned the last 3 songs in his beginner piano book.

Centa biked Theodore to his opera rehearsal, and since the lady said rehearsal would be very short for the kids tonight, Centa stayed there until he came out again, and took him right back. He got back in time to hear the last of the Jack pumpkinhead story from grandpapa. 

Henry had a tantrum going up to bed for some reason. 

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