Instead of a real recital, corona makes it necessary to do everything online. I tried to take videos for elke of theodore and me playing, but it didn’t work out because for some reason the phone recorded everything strangely out of sync. I also sat with Theodore this morning, and for his homework, which was coloring a picture (in 5th grade!) I decided to color with him.
Felix had his lesson with brigitta, while I tried to read Stefan Zweig's Magellan but didn't get very far. The family of brigitta's friend who died wants her to play at a funeral, but despite brigitta knowing her friend's musical tastes very well, and suggesting very good musical pieces for the occasion, the family insists on one specific classical piece, a difficult chopin piece that brigitta has never played and something else "not very classical" .... so she wanted to play though the stuff for me. we discussed the situation a bit and decided that the funeral after all is for the living.
Papa finished the last chapter of jack pumpkinhead… tomorrow he plans to start the next project: the swiss family robinson... which none of us, not even papa, has ever read, so we are all curious how it will turn out.
Edward was visiting aunt and uncle Voldemort all day, got really cute old footage of mama and papa and rainer. While he was there they heard that aunt frieda broke her hip and is in the hospital.
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