Sunday, January 24, 2021

sunny sunday (24/365e)

Quintet rehearsal this morning. I only left on time because pauli’s sms serendipitously woke me up at 9:15... I had to leave at at 9:30.

found on the way

I hadn't been gone for 2 minutes before I called brian to tell him to GO OUTSIDE because it was so warm and gorgeous! They did so, but I didn’t get to, because it was rehearsal rehearsal rehearsal for me. When we finished, and I I got back it was cold and raining L Nobody else was interested in dinner or anything else, so I ate alone when I got home

Pauli came over and we played piano for each other – Bach and Couperin and Kuhlau and Mozart. In a sort of familial changing-of-the-guard, Ingrid cz came over and we played games, had prosecco, and then, sadly, our talk devolved into corona garbage and conspiracy theories.

Centa made cranberry muffins because of felix’s best record on chores but we postponed our family meeting till tomorrow

Theodore was suddenly seized with the idea to get some homework done for tomorrow, handing in his last homework after 10pm. Eww

Edward read to felix from winnie the pooh at night and we didn’t go over to the foersters because we were too tired.

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