Monday, January 11, 2021

on top of old smokey (11/365e)

Slept in, while Theodore had zoom school, and brian started homework with kids

I biked with Theodore to pick up henry from organ zoom lesson and left theodore there for his own practice. It was very cold and windy and snowy. 

when i talked to papa he told me that Frieda had categorically refused to receive a corona test. stubborn old lady.

when i asked what people wanted for dinner only henry had a suggestion... spaghetti with tomato sauce - so that's what i made, with hand-me-down gluten free noodle that were actually pretty good

edward caught felix while trying to recreate 
On top of spaghetti
to the tune of on the top of old smokey
the parody, by the way, is actually more popular now, 
than the original

read sentimental education thinking i was finishing the book, but it was only book 1 of several and i'm still 500 pages away which is kind of good because i couldn't imagine flaubert leaving so many loose ends.

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