Thursday, January 14, 2021

books and nutritional yeast (14/365e)

Dentist in the morning - on the way there it suddenly starting snowing  and snowed heavily all the way there and then stopped when i was done ... the hygenist was a bit weird - the room was surreal, all white and lime green. she put a washcloth over my head to shield me from the spray, and that was a bit strange. but i'm glad to have found someone to make an appointment with, and she was friendly but brisk and no-nonsense. everyone in the dentist office was wearing TWO masks. 

Henry's homework took all day long... until long past 8pm. It wasn't particularly difficult, he was just stalling the whole time.

Niko came by, and I was too late for him, because my lesson with Elke went so long - we played bach and more bach, and when i thought we were done she told me i should play it all over again from the beginning. - no wonder that took a little extra time. Henry was so hyper that Brian took him for a long bikeride/run, while Felix went with Ludwig for a long long walk. Niko and I had time to talk a lot - and not just books! also about nutritional yeast :)

I talked to Amanda and then to Bruno and recorded a bassline for Kris... maybe... i was unhappy with them, and i'll try again tomorrow.

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