Aunt Frieda died today. We went about our day unknowing, and discovered the news late at night. It is the end of an era. That generation in our family has come to a close.
After everyone got their homework done we met up with Barbara and her kids at the playground and played soccer. Felix came back with me earlier than the others because he had a video conference for school. I made two soups for dinner – garlic and pumpkin.
Theodore and I finally recorded our music for the virtual recital. This time Edward recorded it with his phone, and it was synced correctly.
Papa started swiss family robinson, but i unfortunately missed the first chapter and had to catch up afterwards. While he was reading I was doing the Women Wikipedia editing online with Nina at her house, with snacks and prosecco. I just made small edits to various. While there it started pouring rain, but when I got done, it was just a slight drizzle, so I met up with Jackie and we went for a lovely walk with their dog Ruby. I got back just as Brian was starting a meeting that went till midnight - an after work drinks party - virtual happy hour - what a strange world we live in.
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