Wednesday, March 7, 2018

we don't have to do something every day... (334/365a)

bedtime for boys by the light of the globe

It's fine if some days are mostly "empty" ... even with our regular routine we have enough to do. school, kindergarten, choir, cooking.... we were supposed to go over to a friends' house after school, but they are sick and canceled, and somehow we filled the time just fine.

I got a visit from Nina, and got to meet Michi for coffee afterwards. The sun was shining for the first day in 2 weeks. The little lendplatz cafe was open for the first time in months. We sat outside and basked in the sun before I had to go back home.

In the evening I drove Nina to pick her parents up from the airport... like the "tomorrow diet" ... I will leave on time next time and not stress anybody out. I may be just a little too relaxed about getting places at the correct time. But oh joy, I got home early enough to see my guys all snuggle up together in the attic reading stories. <3

We also had the fun luxury of leaving for a little bit, and walking over to Jackie&Andi's for some wine, and teaching them some bridge - we played two hands, and discussed about 3% of all the rules. ;)

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