Monday, March 19, 2018

all is calm.. (346/365a)

trying to get more likes...
:) monday was a kind of a holiday. school was out, kindergarten not. some government offices closed, stores open. bus lines normal, traffic weird. i don't know why there's this weird thing.

mostly theodore and i did nothing. i had cool ideas planned for our day off, but they were unanimously in favor of just playing quietly, and that is of course their prerogative. i brought them to chorus (still on for today) on my way to ui rehearsal. met thomas on the way to pick up music for easter. snow was lightly falling. is it spring is it winter? is it a holiday or not? just tell me, world!

we practiced for a few hours just four of us, and then again with sophia, as a complete quintet. it was actually very productive. barbara took some photos and videos and does all the social media stuff... i was generally uninspired to photograph anything at all.

then another lindy hop class, which was very good. THIS time (i hope) we'll practice during the week!

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