Friday, March 23, 2018

passion friday (350/365a)

the day began with a weird bomb thing. in world war ii the allies dropped lots and lots of bombs here, most of which went off. but every once in a while, we find one, i guess, and then people go nutso. they evacuated everyone within 100m of the thing, knocking on doors one by one. we were 2 doors away from being evacuated. instead we weren't allowed to leave our house or come back if we were already out. streets were closed and buses rerouted. it was a little over drama but also quite surreal. the school called and told us we had to come get our kids, and the police man didn't want to let brian and the kids onto our street. then they deactivated the bomb and somehow everything was back to normal in a matter of a few minutes.

they would drive down the street mumbling into airhorns, but nobody understood them.
ingrid next door heard we should "keep our windows open"
and i heard we should "keep our windows closed"
who knows?
also weird flashbacks to a time i didn't live in with german commands being given over loudspeakers

when everything was calm again, we went to the playground, and i chatted until the last possible minute, and left all mine there for a lasagna supper and i went off to change my clothes as fast as possible, put on my pretty stuff for a concert tonight.
detail on the door

i made it there in time, but everyone else was late ;) that meant i had time to look at the details on the big hammered metal door haha. we still got a little sound check in before the audience arrived. and i was so surprised! Theodore was there! He wanted to see the concert so much he left alone, took the bus there, and sat in the front row. After the first half he was already so tired I called Brian to pick him up, but he seemed to enjoy it. The Kaiser Quartet was really very well played, I think, but also more entertaining as a piece, especially for someone 8 years old. The second half of the concert, "The Seven Last Words of our Savior on the Cross" was a little more dark, somber, and consisted only of different types of slow movements.

Afterwards we went out for pizza. The place we had a reservation was already closed (what!?) and we ended up at an italian place with the slowest service ever ;) stayed out way too late, but since the service was so slow, i also didn't drink too much ;)

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