Monday, March 5, 2018

Typical full Monday (332/365a)

barbara's selfie

I am so glad that Barbara does all the social media updates for our group - I wouldn't want to do all that. She takes the pictures, posts at opportune times, answers comments, likes other people's stuff... I just have to go to rehearsal and everything works out. :)

At Theodore's lesson he was getting ready for his competition on Friday...  (the word competition screams YUCK to me, but it is what it is.. we just tell him a little concert, and afterwards people will tell him suggestions for better playing.

Centa read the kids to bed while Brian and I were at dance class (I was ontime for once!) ... it was a particularly good class, I thought. Maybe we will start practicing together during the week if we don't get so exhausted from living through Monday...

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