Saturday, March 10, 2018

sleep and outdoors are both the best medicine: pick your poison (337/365a)

family fun today included theodore heading out to do a stadtrundgang with fritz and some other kids from the asp (coming back covered entirely in mud, super tired, and extremely happy and eager to share all the things he learned with all of us)

in the meantime i wanted to take henry for his own walk and felix for his own walk... plans went by the wayside, because henry, apparently, was fighting something with his immune system and basically went to sleep for the rest of the day sometime after lunch... after napping most of the morning. we woke him up for his cello lesson thinking he should be well rested now, and when the half hour was over he walked right back up the stairs and fell into bed again.

so i took felix for a walk, and another walk, and then we went to get theodore and the three of us went for another walk, after dropping off theodore's backpack and bike at home. to say they were sleepy tonight would be an understatement. ;)

the two on the mur
we tried to catch the sunset, but waiting two light cycles to cross the street to get to the bridge was too long for nature and by the time we got there there was only the faintest glow left, nothing like the extreme colors we saw. sunsets are so fast!

the last of the sunset

at home again, theodore and centa and i started looking through the music of one movement of mozart's first string quartet (k80) which we want to play as a family because henry doesn't want to play in a recital "all by himself"... also because string quartets are fun!

then i headed to nina's to meet a new friend and have awesome girls night. so much funny conversation and good food and so many laughs. right after that i took nina along to a friendly evening at jackie's and andi's which had at some point turned into game night. we played a fun card game called "wizard" with the funniest looking cards ever. the explanation of the "history of the game" included a made up Dr. Hensch Stone who found these cards at... ... ...stone henge... 

i was surprised how late it was when i got home, but guess what? i saw stars again! clear skies!

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