Friday, March 16, 2018

no picture! (343/365a)

i took 2 cameras and 3 lenses with me everywhere today, like carrying around a bag of rocks, but didn't take them out of the bag, although i could have!

in response to theodore talking about simple fractions, brian wanted to get to percents/decimals...
asking theodore, what's another way to say a half
he says ... 3/6ths 4/8ths etc... all correct.
brian waits for another answer.. maybe 50/100ths...
then henry pipes up "four halves of a quarter!"

there was a milk today that smelled a little bit off and the expiration date was today. there's even a time of expiration. theodore was convinced that the milk went bad exactly on 16.mar.2018 at 19:05.

theodore and i did the last rehearsal for thomas' little orchestra today, and it was so long but we were both well behaved (not like the kid who was hitting his sister on the head with his bow!) we read a book aloud on the tram (der verlorene prinz von dombrowski) and found at least 20 constellations from the top of the LEND hotel at the end of our street. we decided against seeing an opera together on the way home. it was late and we were both falling asleep. instead i watched operation petticoat on my own and chatted with centa for a while when she got home.

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