Thursday, March 1, 2018

surprise! (328/365a)

First day of kindergarten in a long time for Felix. One of the other kids at the forest-school got frostbite today in spite of very fancy expensive gloves and boots. Felix didn't. He came home with apple red cheeks and covered in snow after spending the entire day sledding and happy as a clam. (a clam in the ocean, not as happy as a clam sledding in the snow)

I cleaned up, and then organized a cozy mess so that Centa wouldn't suspect anything (though i suspect she suspected) .... I spent most of the morning baking bread, cooking and more cleaning.

Ingrid took care of everything else - pickup from the airport, dinner, cake, coffee, then put Centa on her couch for a "short" nap... which happened to be done right in time for her to go home and find a few fun friends, lots of cake, and laughter. There was a LOT of confetti. Kids were very very excited.

where's the guest of honor?

here she is! Ingrid made her a coffee-cup cake, complete with fresh whipped cream on top.
and here! "happy n-irthday to you"
At some point we congregated to watch that marvelous explanation of leap-year in Pirates of Penzance.

a most ingenious paradox!

Somehow we kept her up until 11pm, which we deemed a good time to go to sleep for real to mitigate the jet-lag symptoms. Hope it works. It was fun!

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