Thursday, March 15, 2018

two beautiful concert rooms (342/365a)

8am rehearsal for our 11am playing at a doctorate ceremony at the technical university.
klaus was busy overseeing auditions at the opera so he came just before our playing started, and left immediately afterwards, leaving us to our all-women post performance champagne reception.

sometimes the only pictures i get are horrible. i mean really horrible. i think i should give my camera away.

anyways, i saw a poster for a concert on my way home that was happening tonight at the congress, so i tried to make plans to go see it. i eventually found a violinist i know who wanted to go, and i found out it costed a lot, and was in the chamber music hall that i've never been in before. good thing i was with a music student, and she finagled us free tickets. cool! the room was astoundingly beautiful and the acoustics were perfect. afterwards over pizza we talked musician shop ;)

from the last row.

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