Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Ersatzkindergarten (333/365a)

so much snow, so much wind! a slow start in the morning, and then the phone call from Brian "I can't get the car up the hill to the kindergarten, are you doing anything this morning?"

So kindergarten was moved to our house for four kids...

We built snowmen and a gigantic igloo, we had snacks, and I played the guitar in the soft snowfall. We sang kindergarten songs, and stayed outside the whole time (in spite of occasional whining)... I made a big pot of soup, and we ate together on the porch.

"We should have ersatzkindergarten every day!" they shouted....

reading in the snow

lunch time (i think felix packed a book for lunch...)

When theodore got home I took him to his last mini rehearsal for the competition... it's good for him, but exhausting for him too to do all these extra little things.

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