Sunday, March 25, 2018

palm sunday (352/365a)


daylight savings time part two. Man do I miss that extra hour already. I'll get it back for my birthday though!

i wanted to take the kids into town to be part of the blessing of the palms... and i did! except we had exactly 3 pussy willow branches and 3 sad flowers from the decaying funereal wreath tied with a string, all that i put together in the last possible minute on our way out. that extra hour! we came home to an absolutely glorious meal of fresh crunchy delicious vegetables that brian had put together. *living food* mmm... vitamins. 

brian fixed the dryer, by installing a new belt. unfortunately, the thing has a limited amount of life left. the bolt that holds the entire thing together, and that the drum sits on and spins on has been worn down from finger thickness to needle thinness, and broke off during the repair, so it's operating on kind of borrowed time. 

sunday bike rides and reading and playing music and other such fun things until i started to get a headache, which just got worse and worse until i went to sleep.

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