Wednesday, March 21, 2018

rip hubert (348/365a)

it was a tough day for centa, she had to deliver the speech that ingrid didn't think she would be able to speak through, the eulogy for ingrid's father, hubert. the speech was beautifully written, and i cried many tears too. centa did a bang up job, and everyone was impressed.

the dinner afterwards, and then the cake afterwards was full of people i only kind of know, from seeing them go in and out next door. i was a little out of my element socially, even driving to the reception restaurant with hubert's grandchildren, and centa, in spite of me not being particularly close.
a beautiful quote from kafka:
one sees the sun setting slowly and is then shocked to find that it's suddenly dark.

ingrid insisted on everyone picking up their arrangements, so we took home 1000lbs of flowers and left them (a little morbidly) on our picnic table.
in memory

That night we had some comic relief in the form of Zoolander, while Brian and Kris went Lindy hopping. trading a eulogy for a eugoogalie was definitely a good idea. ;)

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