Thursday, March 22, 2018

in which i study photography (349/365a)


:) i sometimes get confused at my role in life. as a passionate photographer who has my camera on manual nearly all the time, i quite often without thinking take truly awful pictures, compared to my friends' one click auto-adjusted smartphone... yet with thinking i believe some of them turn out quite nicely. when i dare to agree to be the photographer, i want to be in charge. 

well, i wasn't allowed in this case, i was told mulitiple times that "you are the photographer, but...." (i think we should stand here, this backdrop is better, the light should be here, the shadows do this, let's turn around, etc) .....and eventually i gave in, and we got a weird shadowy overexposed color-diffuse picture, for which we had to climb over a garden fence and sink into the very damp ground in our high heels. what's done is done. 

i spent the early morning hours first making dinner for 20 kindergarten kids, 2 big loaves of bread, an enormous pot of soup, then baking a cake. brian called it a "fail cake" - an i'm sorry i didn't tell you that i would be late to my rehearsal (even though i did) ... then everyone else was late for rehearsal, so we didn't have cake until afterwards, when people were rushing out the door. at least we played through everything. i didn't get a chance to meet up with pauli, unfortunately, because the times didn't work out. i was glad there was still soup left over from the kindergarten, which meant i didn't have to cook *again* ... 

i really really really wanted to go see elke solo with an orchestra in leoben, but logistics of driving there so far and so late were too much for me (gone are the days where an hour of driving both ways is no trouble at all) .... instead i took theodore and henry downtown to see them play the eroica. well, henry left after the first half, and the eroica was in the second half. theodore almost didn't stay awake the whole time either. at home though it took over an hour to get him to bed, he was so cranky and tired. oops. i hope tomorrow isn't horrible.

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