Saturday, March 3, 2018

djembe (329/365a)

After Theodore's orchestra party I decided I really really really wanted an african drum, and then I found the perfect one - it's small, kid's sized really, but a properly made, traditional one from Kenya - on austrian craigslist (called "willhaben" which means "wanttohave") .... of course it was way out of the way for me, all the way in puntigam, which is a 15 minute drive from here. when we lived in wilmington, everything was a 15min drive, and i would have thought myself lucky to find something i wanted so close! but now i could barely motivate myself to go there, and the whole time i asked myself if it was worth it. --- it was! everyone wants to touch it all the time!

can't stop!
at kindergarten pickup, i tried to tell a relevant story about Almanzo Wilder staving off frostbite in the Long Winter, but that kind of story seems to really get lost in the translation, and there is so much backstory. To me, the Wilders are like kind of a part of my own family, I grew up with their stories.

I'm happy to have arrived at a Friday night where we have nothing scheduled and I can have a chance to get caught up with Mary and with Nick online. Hooray for chat and hangouts.

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