Monday, March 26, 2018

musical monday (353/365a)

oh my joy! i got to play family string quartets... actually just a half a movement, but still, real, mozart.
rehearsing how to look at each other
give me your biggest violin smile!
we spent a few hours practicing the first half of the second movement of mozart's first quartet. he wrote it when he was 14. it's pretty simple, but not boring.

i still have my headache from yesterday, but oddly music doesn't bother it. squeaking (voices or strings) whining, jumping all do though.

i pulled myself together enough to take everyone to the opera so Theodore could try on his Midsummer Nights Dream costume, and then off to Irmtraud's to paint a few eggs. The idea was basically intended for adults to paint eggs, so I had the only children there, but they held their own for sure. We left when Felix told me he was so hungry he would eat up the house. We got home late, ate late, and went to bed late. The evil's of daylight savings time still follow us.
Felixäs first egg, flowers and cracks

the sun is negative space

the line-up: felix, henry, theodore, me

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