Wednesday, March 14, 2018

puk's birthday (341/365a)

we called tante puk first thing in the morning but skype only let us leave a voicemail for her birthday. our 4 part birthday canon was actually in four parts for once. not bad! a little sad of course that we didn't get to actually talk to them.

i'm pretty much fully sick now, cough-y and sore, and so i did my best to spread the germ love far and wide. took felix to chorus, picked up my newly rehaired bow, stopped at the library, walked home over the marketplace. the clouds were gorgeous!

clouds over mariahilferplatz

Then I was priviledged to have been invited to go see Max Raabe in the Stadthalle with Andrea, the mom of a school friend of Henry's. It was surely a fantastic show, and we went out for a glass of wine afterwards. Brian came and ran to me on the way home, and we walked the last km together. <3 

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