Saturday, March 10, 2018

viva la music (336/365a)

The entire morning and early afternoon was back and forth from competition to school to home to school to competition back home (ah the joys of being the mama shuttle)

Theodore did his best, and I think had fun. The judges were very nice, and gave very helpful feedback. Theodore won a 2.prize and was very proud.

The atmosphere was, however, for me, a little bit gross... a bunch of parents grooming their kids to compete in musicality, and the truth is, they are all approximately the same, give or take, except for one kid who far outranks for whatever reason, but is still within the realm of norm in terms of what's possible in the world. And all the kids are nervous and trained smile. I was glad we had just told him that it was a little "mini concert" ...

with his certificate.

It was a nice to balance that environment with the relaxing one of the abenteuerspielplatz, and some dadkidmade banana muffins for tea-time.
baking with 4 men in the kitchen. <3

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