Sunday, January 31, 2021

the big four oh (31/365e)

Brian turns 40 - We spent the morning apart...

 I had all morning quintet rehearsal, kids played in snow. Theodore went sledding at rosenhain with Brian. Henry and Felix built a snowman with Gabriel.

And we spent the afternoon and evening together...

We had birthday dinner (brian cooked - roasted veggies and pasta and salad), then birthday cake (Henry lit the candle and presented it), and gave him his "grate" present... sooo many "cheesy" jokes about that one.

Rainer called after dinner, and we talked until we went out for a walk to kalvarienberg to look at the moon rise with binoculars... but it was so foggy we couldn't even find the moon.

We took another walk to shared some cake and wine with Jackie and Andy 

Edward found some really lost slides in the basement and digitized old photos of me and Mary and Rainer in the earliest days. no idea why they were stored separately, or really why they are really here at all.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Wish day (30/365e)

Wish day... we made lots of them come true. Various wishes came down to the common denominators of a hike and movie, and popcorn, and having Gabriel over for visiting.

Henry and Felix and I biked early in the morning to a horrible horrible store to buy Brian's present for tomorrow, and used his present to grate carrots. made a cake. Hung out at vogelschutzgebiet for a long time with edward and brian, building more rock cairn towers. 

Had Gabriel over. Maria and I drank wine and sat on the floor and built Kapla towers while the kids ran back and forth loudly and full of fantasy.

We watched thief of Baghdad in the evening, the gorgeous carl davis version. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

more books less computers (29/365e)

Another day sleeping late. This time, there were no issues with getting homework done. We watched Gabriel while his mother was out, and a small glass lamp in Theodore's attic room set-up was broken by accident, so I had to clean up some glass and sent them outside to chop up dried up Christmas tree - a great activity for kids.

Henry broke my heart today by saying that everyone in the house except for him an felix are ALWAYS on the computer all day. I'm really not! But I see how he might come to such a conclusion.

Took Henry and Felix to their stimmbildung with Andrea, and while it was Felix's turn Henry wrote a (short but still...) letter to Grandpapa and I read the missing swiss family robinson chapter. We biked back through the city as it was getting dark.

We wrote wishes on papers for tomorrow, a day where none of us have any scheduled things. All of them want to READ! 

Thursday, January 28, 2021

end of an era (28/365e)

Aunt Frieda died today. We went about our day unknowing, and discovered the news late at night. It is the end of an era. That generation in our family has come to a close.

After everyone got their homework done we met up with Barbara and her kids at the playground and played soccer. Felix came back with me earlier than the others because he had a video conference for school. I made two soups for dinner – garlic and pumpkin. 

Theodore and I finally recorded our music for the virtual recital. This time Edward recorded it with his phone, and it was synced correctly.

Papa started swiss family robinson, but i unfortunately missed the first chapter and had to catch up afterwards. While he was reading I was doing the Women Wikipedia editing online with Nina at her house, with snacks and prosecco. I just made small edits to various. While there it started pouring rain, but when I got done, it was just a slight drizzle, so I met up with Jackie and we went for a lovely walk with their dog Ruby. I got back just as Brian was starting a meeting that went till midnight - an after work drinks party - virtual happy hour - what a strange world we live in.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

in which we finish reading the marvelous land of oz (27/365e)

Instead of a real recital, corona makes it necessary to do everything online. I tried to take videos for elke of theodore and me playing, but it didn’t work out because for some reason the phone recorded everything strangely out of sync. I also sat with Theodore this morning, and for his homework, which was coloring a picture (in 5th grade!) I decided to color with him.

Felix had his lesson with brigitta, while I tried to read Stefan Zweig's Magellan but didn't get very far. The family of brigitta's friend who died wants her to play at a funeral, but despite brigitta knowing her friend's musical tastes very well, and suggesting very good musical pieces for the occasion, the family insists on one specific classical piece, a difficult chopin piece that brigitta has never played and something else "not very classical" .... so she wanted to play though the stuff for me. we discussed the situation a bit and decided that the funeral after all is for the living.

Papa finished the last chapter of jack pumpkinhead… tomorrow he plans to start the next project: the swiss family robinson... which none of us, not even papa, has ever read, so we are all curious how it will turn out.

Edward was visiting aunt and uncle Voldemort all day, got really cute old footage of mama and papa and rainer. While he was there they heard that aunt frieda broke her hip and is in the hospital.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

terrible tantrums (26/365e)

Ugg ... today was just a tantrum day. There are those days I guess. Don't know what was wrong, and we'll probably never know or figure it out. Henry was completely unreasonable. Except for when he and I snuggled together and made modular origami boxes. Then he was wonderful and fun and pleasant. Unfortunately he didn't get to see jack pumpkinhead because of another tantrum. That broke my heart.

Did no music or movement and feel like a slob. Didn't feel any better from staying up super late editing more thumbnails for youtube.

Monday, January 25, 2021

the devil's in the details (25/365e)

Another morning rush. Got into the bath at 1039, and into room at conservatory at 1059, which is crazy stupid fast. Lesson was Clarke, where we started nitpicking already in the first measure. - so many small details to work on.

Henry and Theodore had organ lessons and practicing, and Felix Edward and I went up the Schlossberg, ostensibly to try to "fish" for coins with a magnet on a string. Someone else had had the same idea, so our magnet got stuck on someone else's magnet just under the iron grate. Instead we threw gravel into the well (to enjoy the sound of it hitting 94m down) and maple seeds (to enjoy the sight of them helicoptering for a long time, lit beautifully by the electric lights) Felix was extremely disappointed by the unsuccessful fishing operation, but the whole walk home was chattering away trying to think of ways to get the magnet back out. "operation rescue magnet"

Went to spar with Henry and Felix, for scallions. They didn't go alone because they explained they didn't know what scallions are. I wanted them to make padseeew for Jacky and Andi tonight.

Family meeting was quick and fun, and we left early, putting edward in charge of bedtime. Saw the Forster's earlier than "normal" (like 10pm) ... Low key evening, just talking and playing hanabi, even leaving before midnight.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

sunny sunday (24/365e)

Quintet rehearsal this morning. I only left on time because pauli’s sms serendipitously woke me up at 9:15... I had to leave at at 9:30.

found on the way

I hadn't been gone for 2 minutes before I called brian to tell him to GO OUTSIDE because it was so warm and gorgeous! They did so, but I didn’t get to, because it was rehearsal rehearsal rehearsal for me. When we finished, and I I got back it was cold and raining L Nobody else was interested in dinner or anything else, so I ate alone when I got home

Pauli came over and we played piano for each other – Bach and Couperin and Kuhlau and Mozart. In a sort of familial changing-of-the-guard, Ingrid cz came over and we played games, had prosecco, and then, sadly, our talk devolved into corona garbage and conspiracy theories.

Centa made cranberry muffins because of felix’s best record on chores but we postponed our family meeting till tomorrow

Theodore was suddenly seized with the idea to get some homework done for tomorrow, handing in his last homework after 10pm. Eww

Edward read to felix from winnie the pooh at night and we didn’t go over to the foersters because we were too tired.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

it stinks, and i quote (23/365e)

Woke up at 6am for no reason, and finished reading house of spirits. Later, we took a long walk to bird sanctuary: Edward Felix and I. Brian, Theodore and Henry biked/ran ahead. We skipped stones in the Mur, built towers of pebbles, and had a wonderful time.

Had an idea to use up some stinky cheese that we have been keeping for some kind of gathering that will never come because of corona, and bought some cheap baguettes for dinner plus extra salads and stuff... 

The cheese really reminds me of Jerome K Jerome's 3 men in a boat... Last time Nina came over she said the same thing, and I just opened the fridge for a second! 

There is too much odour about cheese.

I remember a friend of mine, buying a couple of cheeses at Liverpool.  Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horse-power scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards.  I was in Liverpool at the time, and my friend said that if I didn’t mind he would get me to take them back with me to London, as he should not be coming up for a day or two himself, and he did not think the cheeses ought to be kept much longer.

“Oh, with pleasure, dear boy,” I replied, “with pleasure.”

I called for the cheeses, and took them away in a cab.  It was a ramshackle affair, dragged along by a knock-kneed, broken-winded somnambulist, which his owner, in a moment of enthusiasm, during conversation, referred to as a horse.  I put the cheeses on the top, and we started off at a shamble that would have done credit to the swiftest steam-roller ever built, and all went merry as a funeral bell, until we turned the corner.  There, the wind carried a whiff from the cheeses full on to our steed.  It woke him up, and, with a snort of terror, he dashed off at three miles an hour.  The wind still blew in his direction, and before we reached the end of the street he was laying himself out at the rate of nearly four miles an hour, leaving the cripples and stout old ladies simply nowhere.

It took two porters as well as the driver to hold him in at the station; and I do not think they would have done it, even then, had not one of the men had the presence of mind to put a handkerchief over his nose, and to light a bit of brown paper.

I took my ticket, and marched proudly up the platform, with my cheeses, the people falling back respectfully on either side.  The train was crowded, and I had to get into a carriage where there were already seven other people.  One crusty old gentleman objected, but I got in, notwithstanding; and, putting my cheeses upon the rack, squeezed down with a pleasant smile, and said it was a warm day.

A few moments passed, and then the old gentleman began to fidget.

“Very close in here,” he said.

“Quite oppressive,” said the man next him.

And then they both began sniffing, and, at the third sniff, they caught it right on the chest, and rose up without another word and went out.  And then a stout lady got up, and said it was disgraceful that a respectable married woman should be harried about in this way, and gathered up a bag and eight parcels and went.  The remaining four passengers sat on for a while, until a solemn-looking man in the corner, who, from his dress and general appearance, seemed to belong to the undertaker class, said it put him in mind of dead baby; and the other three passengers tried to get out of the door at the same time, and hurt themselves.

I smiled at the black gentleman, and said I thought we were going to have the carriage to ourselves; and he laughed pleasantly, and said that some people made such a fuss over a little thing.  But even he grew strangely depressed after we had started, and so, when we reached Crewe, I asked him to come and have a drink.  He accepted, and we forced our way into the buffet, where we yelled, and stamped, and waved our umbrellas for a quarter of an hour; and then a young lady came, and asked us if we wanted anything.

“What’s yours?” I said, turning to my friend.

“I’ll have half-a-crown’s worth of brandy, neat, if you please, miss,” he responded.

And he went off quietly after he had drunk it and got into another carriage, which I thought mean.

From Crewe I had the compartment to myself, though the train was crowded.  As we drew up at the different stations, the people, seeing my empty carriage, would rush for it.  “Here y’ are, Maria; come along, plenty of room.”  “All right, Tom; we’ll get in here,” they would shout.  And they would run along, carrying heavy bags, and fight round the door to get in first.  And one would open the door and mount the steps, and stagger back into the arms of the man behind him; and they would all come and have a sniff, and then droop off and squeeze into other carriages, or pay the difference and go first.

From Euston, I took the cheeses down to my friend’s house.  When his wife came into the room she smelt round for an instant.  Then she said:

“What is it?  Tell me the worst.”

I said:

“It’s cheeses.  Tom bought them in Liverpool, and asked me to bring them up with me.”

And I added that I hoped she understood that it had nothing to do with me; and she said that she was sure of that, but that she would speak to Tom about it when he came back.

My friend was detained in Liverpool longer than he expected; and, three days later, as he hadn’t returned home, his wife called on me.  She said:

“What did Tom say about those cheeses?”

I replied that he had directed they were to be kept in a moist place, and that nobody was to touch them.

She said:

“Nobody’s likely to touch them.  Had he smelt them?”

I thought he had, and added that he seemed greatly attached to them.

“You think he would be upset,” she queried, “if I gave a man a sovereign to take them away and bury them?”

I answered that I thought he would never smile again.

An idea struck her.  She said:

“Do you mind keeping them for him?  Let me send them round to you.”

“Madam,” I replied, “for myself I like the smell of cheese, and the journey the other day with them from Liverpool I shall ever look back upon as a happy ending to a pleasant holiday.  But, in this world, we must consider others.  The lady under whose roof I have the honour of residing is a widow, and, for all I know, possibly an orphan too.  She has a strong, I may say an eloquent, objection to being what she terms ‘put upon.’  The presence of your husband’s cheeses in her house she would, I instinctively feel, regard as a ‘put upon’; and it shall never be said that I put upon the widow and the orphan.”

“Very well, then,” said my friend’s wife, rising, “all I have to say is, that I shall take the children and go to an hotel until those cheeses are eaten.  I decline to live any longer in the same house with them.”

She kept her word, leaving the place in charge of the charwoman, who, when asked if she could stand the smell, replied, “What smell?” and who, when taken close to the cheeses and told to sniff hard, said she could detect a faint odour of melons.  It was argued from this that little injury could result to the woman from the atmosphere, and she was left.

The hotel bill came to fifteen guineas; and my friend, after reckoning everything up, found that the cheeses had cost him eight-and-sixpence a pound.  He said he dearly loved a bit of cheese, but it was beyond his means; so he determined to get rid of them.  He threw them into the canal; but had to fish them out again, as the bargemen complained.  They said it made them feel quite faint.  And, after that, he took them one dark night and left them in the parish mortuary.  But the coroner discovered them, and made a fearful fuss.

He said it was a plot to deprive him of his living by waking up the corpses.

My friend got rid of them, at last, by taking them down to a sea-side town, and burying them on the beach.  It gained the place quite a reputation.  Visitors said they had never noticed before how strong the air was, and weak-chested and consumptive people used to throng there for years afterwards.

Fond as I am of cheese, therefore, I hold that George was right in declining to take any.

Friday, January 22, 2021

read more please! (22/365e)

Gabriel was here when I got back from my sunny morning Rosenhain walk with Brigitta..... All the kids were full of screamy-energy. To calm them down a bit I read out loud to them, some of the stories from one of the free books I got the other day. They were really boring and stupid stories, which was disappointing. Oddly they kept wanting to hear more of them, so I annoyingly had to read several of them. 

My back hurt all day, but the day was really warm and sunny, and I wanted to be outside a lot. I saw Brigitta again in the afternoon, to play Clarke. Theodore accompanied me there, and then went on a walk on his own. A friend of Brigitta's just died and I comforted her a bit, but she insisted she still wanted to play so we played through my movement twice before her next student arrived.

Maria stopped by to say hi and we had a glass of wine and talked about feminism and Isabel Allende.

Brian and I stayed up reading side by side on the couch.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

always say yes to free books (21/365e)

I was really cranky all day today, maybe I did not get enough sleep. I felt bad for everyone who had to put up with me. The day took a turn for the better when Edward convinced me to go for a walk with him. Centa, Henry, Edward and I walked up Schlossberg, then on past Centa's university  to return books then home. Got some new books at some free bookshelves, which we then had to carry home in the cold. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

new president (20/365e)

We talked with agnes and showed her the Benham top that we had made.

origami with mary

crafts with agnes

Theodore has to make a power-point presentation "about anything" ... he chose the topic "chess" and felt like he had to take his own photos for the backgrounds. Meanwhile, there was another assignment that Theodore hadn't turned in "because it wasn't good", and then I had to force him to turn it in late...  he had to email the professor, apologize and attach his work. i was having traumatic flashbacks to my own childhood perfectionism where my parents had to force me to turn in any work at all.

Felix had a lesson with Brigitta that went very well, his learning is accelerating. meanwhile I read house of spirits... Afterwards, I played a lot of piano.

By chance, waiting for Pumpkinhead reading, we saw by chance that the inauguration was happening. We tuned in just in time to see the actual moment we were interested in - the inauguration oath. No jack pumpkinhead reading though, unfortunately. Frieda was very needy today. I did take the time to get a quick chat in with Lydia, who I haven't seen online or otherwise in a very long time.

Made risotto that almost everyone liked, except henry, who didn’t try it. Henry made palatschinken all on his own, because he wasn't interested in any of the food I made. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

benham's top... how does it work? (19/365e)

Nina came over this morning and we sat downstairs and were cold whenever the living room door opened.

The kids did their homework in a blanket fort under the table and it took sooo very long again .

Henry hot glue gunned a cd to a bottle top and we stuck it on a dowel to make a spinning top to demonstrate The Fechner color effect ... we printed various versions of Benham's top and I used the sharpie to make it really really black - it is pretty cool!

all the colors of the rainbow

I talked to Bruno during the day (unusual) about Spiegel im Spiegel im spiegel - supposedly there is an algorithm for creating "opposite" or "reflected" music, more than just playing something "backwards"

Jack pumpkinhead again

I practiced in the evening with henry on cello, playing the duet bass line on viola, and it was sounding very good. and i played a lot of bach on the piano – from pauli... not really a "lot" in terms of music, but a "lot" in terms of time. i spent a few hours on the first few lines of one of the goldberg variation that he had printed an extra copy of and left here. i had fun highlighting the four different parts, but it is nearly impossible for me to play yet. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

full monday in spite of the ongoing lockdown (18/365e)

Elke lesson in the morning, don’t know how I woke up so late, but essentially I jumped out of bed, and off I went and got there exactly on-time for 11am … i did a mock recital and run through of reger and bach, but brian's cell phone did not record the video that it was supposed to so i couldn't really review my playing afterwards, which was unfortunate.

Papa read more Jack pumpkinhead to the kids, and they loved it. It was a really really full Monday for theodore, with lessons, and video chats and tons of school work, but he managed everything.

Watched bell book and candle with brian - a very silly movie....

Sunday, January 17, 2021

so much reading! (17/365e)

We had a nearly-whole-family casting over zoom for a independent movie short this morning at 8am. We went one after the other, the three children and me. I thought they asked kind of stupid questions, and didn't know how to engage the kids very well, so they didn't get a clear picture of our actual abilities. After asking us about our hobbies they asked us to do a short bit of improvisation. Unfortunately, that's not a skill any of us has honed at all, but also, strangely, technically, it's not a skill that's required for them, since they already have a finished script.  

Made broccoli soup which was unpopular with everyone except me and brian. everyone else just made themselves toasted bread and cheese. oh well.

I did a LOT of reading, pretty much the entire "Frier and Elisabeth" that I had received from the author Elisabeth Hamilton Friermood's descendants as background information for my wikipedia article, and I think as a bit of a thank you for doing the research in the first place. 

Also read Felicitas Muche's "goldene harfe" to felix, sitting snuggly by the heater together - it was a lovely little fairytale which extolled the importance of each of the 7 notes of the musical major scale.

Finally, we had a family meeting (a in the evening, sandwiched between practicing la tricotea, on which we sound pretty great in three part harmony. The news came in that the lockdown is continuing for yet another week, which means more so-called "home schooling".

photobombing the bass sectional

a bit of duolingo ... 
...i can't tell from the expressions if its spanish or french that they are trying to learn here

Saturday, January 16, 2021

look ma, i'm on tv! (16/365e)

I was not ready to leave this morning, and was late to Elke's house, where I had a viola lesson because the konservatory was closed. I had just started taking a quick shower when it was time to leave, and left when it was time to be there. But we had a terrific lesson anyways, and I was glad to make some progress on Reger and Bach for my upcoming exam.

Pauli came over and said hi and we shared some afternoon coffee - I told him how much I didn't like "Summer of Drowning" and he told me he had loved it, but couldn't remember what about it that he liked so much.

on the way to rehearsal

also on the way to rehearsal

My quintet was in the news, and we watched it live during rehearsal, opening a bottle of "Casanova" wine to celebrate the now infamous interview line "I'm only married with one of them. Everything else is professional"... unfortunately, although the very short segment on us was entertaining and cute, it didn't really display our actual strengths very well.

Only wine and music for dinner at rehearsal, so I was very hungry when I got home. Theodore got back from his verkaufte braut reherasal after I did. It was his last rehearsal before the show, but the premiere date is as yet unknown…. strange times we live in!

Friday, January 15, 2021

henry is turning into a great origami teacher (15/365e)

Woke up with a very very strange dream, involving trying to ring dave h's door bell, and being intercepted by donald trump, pushing me out of the way to use the intercom as a mirror to comb his hair. how dare he invade my subconscious!! despicable!

after waking from that terrible dream, i went for a lovely walk up rosenhain with Brigitta, with warm spring-like temperatures and gorgeous sunshine. Brian made mushrooms and rice while i was gone, so i had dinner when i got back.

Theodore was at verkaufte braut all evening, missing his friends, anna and michelle, dropping off cookies from the abenteuerspielplatz coming by and staying to learn to make a paper crane with us (henry taught them, slowly and patiently!), and have some tea. 

japanese tea time

Brian and I watched the Prince and the showgirl in the evening - a laurence olivier movie i had never seen. Brian suggested maybe I hadn't seen it for a "good reason" ... and he was right! it was pretty bad. Simultaneously, neither of us turned it off because it somehow did have some aesthetic entertainment value!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

books and nutritional yeast (14/365e)

Dentist in the morning - on the way there it suddenly starting snowing  and snowed heavily all the way there and then stopped when i was done ... the hygenist was a bit weird - the room was surreal, all white and lime green. she put a washcloth over my head to shield me from the spray, and that was a bit strange. but i'm glad to have found someone to make an appointment with, and she was friendly but brisk and no-nonsense. everyone in the dentist office was wearing TWO masks. 

Henry's homework took all day long... until long past 8pm. It wasn't particularly difficult, he was just stalling the whole time.

Niko came by, and I was too late for him, because my lesson with Elke went so long - we played bach and more bach, and when i thought we were done she told me i should play it all over again from the beginning. - no wonder that took a little extra time. Henry was so hyper that Brian took him for a long bikeride/run, while Felix went with Ludwig for a long long walk. Niko and I had time to talk a lot - and not just books! also about nutritional yeast :)

I talked to Amanda and then to Bruno and recorded a bassline for Kris... maybe... i was unhappy with them, and i'll try again tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

hike in the snow (13/365e)

Nina brought over Croissants in the morning before work... sadly i was interrupted a little earlier than expected .. but for a happy reason: a hike with Renate and Otto up Jakobsleiter, to "scope the joint" for a possible project for her. it was funny with me being the immigrant, and her the native of the city for me to be showing her around.

our picnic spot in the snow

demut or mut?

otto and renate

Rushed home in time for Brian to go to his dentist appointment

While Theodore and Henry took themselves to organ practice, I took Felix to his lesson with Brigitta. It was nice to read while he learned the last 3 songs in his beginner piano book.

Centa biked Theodore to his opera rehearsal, and since the lady said rehearsal would be very short for the kids tonight, Centa stayed there until he came out again, and took him right back. He got back in time to hear the last of the Jack pumpkinhead story from grandpapa. 

Henry had a tantrum going up to bed for some reason. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

stacks of books (12/365e)

bath time before i went to the dentist appointment. i have perfect teeth, says the dentist... why are you here? if you really want me to clean them, i will but come back on thursday. they are so far away, but the dentist personally made me an appointment

i started reading frier and elisabeth, and also spiel auf vielen trommeln (which i got from mama LAST january - i am so behind on my stacks of books to read)

two sides of morning homework:

two out of five

three out of five plus the alien vacuum cleaner

overdue family meeting in the evening, followed by chores and quite terrific singing - la tricotea and irene goodnight while the candles were lit on the christmas tree (a bit out of season, but that's ok) 

i was mad at edward for the stupid potato soup, because he specifically didn't chop when we were all chopping and i asked him to help and he took theodore for a walk, but the soup was good anyways, and it was good for theodore to get a walk in, and for edward to have some quality theodore time.

talked to nick about "natural wines" and cheess, and to bruno about flaubert. papa wasn't feeling well, so we didn't get our skype meeting together, which was a shame.

Monday, January 11, 2021

on top of old smokey (11/365e)

Slept in, while Theodore had zoom school, and brian started homework with kids

I biked with Theodore to pick up henry from organ zoom lesson and left theodore there for his own practice. It was very cold and windy and snowy. 

when i talked to papa he told me that Frieda had categorically refused to receive a corona test. stubborn old lady.

when i asked what people wanted for dinner only henry had a suggestion... spaghetti with tomato sauce - so that's what i made, with hand-me-down gluten free noodle that were actually pretty good

edward caught felix while trying to recreate 
On top of spaghetti
to the tune of on the top of old smokey
the parody, by the way, is actually more popular now, 
than the original

read sentimental education thinking i was finishing the book, but it was only book 1 of several and i'm still 500 pages away which is kind of good because i couldn't imagine flaubert leaving so many loose ends.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

importance of being *earnest* (10/365e)

Up very early after only 5 hours of sleep... probably kept awake by the extra light brought by the snow.... snowed all day, and was very pretty

i rehearsed with quintet from 10-4, including a lot of sight-reading of classical stuff etc... we get to play new hungarian dances, maybe!

when i came home, i found the forester girls here and i tried to get a little mini circle contra dance going but at that moment Jackie picked them ... always stop when everyone is having the most fun. as they were leaving, Nina came over and helped me make pad thai for everyone.... a LOT of pad thai.

really a LOT of pad thai

it was a good thing i had brian to help carry it...

serving dinner, now help yourselves!

and when we were really full from dinner, we got to see the Importance of Being Earnest as a family film evening. the kids thought some things were funny, but i think it will take a while before they really get it, still, i remember watching it quite young and loving it.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

attenborough is our reward (9/365e)

Tossed and turned all night, when I woke up, I kept trying to read the end of summer of drowning, all night... the last 4 pages took several hours between 6 and 10... it kept putting me to sleep, but restless sleep.

Theodore had bartered bride rehearsal, got home in time for Henry's crepes made from expired buttermilk that someone gave us.

Brigitta I read through the first movement of the Rebecca Clarke for my upcoming exam, and then we went walking. Everyone checked everything off - music, movement, chores... as a reward, we watched a David Attenborough episode :)

Edward grated cheese for quiche, which I was making while starting to read Letters from Victor Chapman

Friday, January 8, 2021

heisshunger (8/365e)

Schoolwork first, then shenanigans....

lots of merriment can be had ...

....with one broken plastic bag

henry teaching centa

making a string of 10, to better count to 1000

Went into town with felix with not quite enough time really for shopping at the Asian market... on the way out, rushing to get to chorus on time, we lost a glove and had to go back, so we ditched the idea of walking and took a bus and slid in just on time. 

I read and waited with Henry for Felix to get done singing, and then we started the not-so-very long walk home, but about 10minutes after leaving i got really really ... hungry! like "Heisshunger" low blood-sugar, wondering if I would pass out hungry. and in a weird brain wave remembered i had hidden small chocolate coins in everyone's jacket pockets for new years, and the kids hadn't found them yet. everyone, let's just look in our pockets if we have any snacks, like some nuts. "why would we have any nuts?" "i know i have nothing in my pocket except my tram ticket" ... just.... looook! please! after a few minutes of cajoling and checking my own pockets, they opened their zippered pockets, discovered the surprise chocolate, and i begged them for a piece. i'm not sure yet whether i spoiled the magic or not. a few minutes later, i found a chestnut stand packing up and got some chestnuts, and we walked the rest of the way sharing the chestnuts and warming our hands.

i was getting ready to work on the website with brian and have some relaxing red wine, and just as i was pouring the glasses, jacky called and asked to go for a walk. "i'm cooooold, and laaaazy" i told brian. "you should go" he said, so i told jacky i would go for a short walk,... it turned a little long, but it was nice, and when i got back brian was about ready to stop the work on the website, so we just had some wine. that's one way to spend the evening.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

bedspead or ballgown (7/365e)

No more headache, hurrah and, with school still closed for lockdown, it was the first day of homework for the kids. i had fun sitting with henry, reading while he worked ... 

Theodore had a bartered bride rehearsal that we worried would interfere with zoom school, but it didn't, and he got all his homework done afterwards.

Brian grated celeriac for a half hour as a good arm work-out and then I made celeriac "pancakes" and most everyone liked them - another food win.

We got, as a family, almost everything checked off - chores and music and movement for each person, but not quite. Pretty good though. Edward took Henry and Felix up the Schlossberg

brothers sharing the bishop's chair

while I made a stupid ball-gown out of a bedspread ... taking on a challenge from Barbara.

it was hard to look this natural

I went for a long walk with Theodore in the evening and he chatted away and I loved it. 

Late at night Brian and I did more work on the website, and I talked for a while with Nick. Finished two of my books: the music of chance and Siddhartha – which have many surprising similarities, and seem weirdly connected.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

missing things to do other things (6/365e)

More headache, which made me cranky... 

I did so very much reading. 

Brian and I spent much of the day working on the webpage that I am supposed to do and when we had finished what I needed to I headed out to talk to Irmtraud and Barbara about more website stuff, all the necessary but boring back-end stuff  - like even more new youtube thumbnails – stupid but possibly useful job - it does mean I miss wonderful other things, like celebrating epiphany, and using gingerbread tangrams. At least Edward documented the tangram competition for the most christmassy theme.

which is most christmassy?
the angel, the shooting star, or the tree?
they are all equally delicious

the only photos from my own camera were of pokemon cards and the chandelier... i can only assume that I didn't take them, and that perhaps Henry was at work here. I remember many hours as a child taking photos of chandeliers over my head.

it is pretty to look at

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

gold dust in the air (5/365e)

Brian took himself to the dentist while Theodore took himself to a corona test. My morning was better... Kris called in the morning, and we chatted, fixing the problems of capitalism, and just as we had finished fixing the world, Nina rang the doorbell and visited for a coffee, and Nina, Centa, Edward and I sat around the tiny table in the kitchen.

What took more time than I wanted, horrid computer time at that, was trying to make new youtube thumbnails for the quintet, and a little bit of updating my backlogged-blog.

I made a list of the books I want to finish, ostensibly in January. For fun I checked the page counts - the grand total: 4,480! Better get started!

I met up with Nina again in the evening, for a long walk through the city to look at the christmas lights. I didn't take a camera, unfortunately. Also unfortunately I was running on kind of a mini-headache, which I am scared will turn into something more. I talked to Manuela briefly on the way home, but my phone was running out of battery. I thought it would feel very strange to walk down the street while video-chatting, so we just did a voice call. 

Found some gold bars and a robot in a shop window

Monday, January 4, 2021

fire in the rain (4/365e)

Woke up just as maria rang the doorbell... I had promised to watch Gabriel all day ... I made the huge effort to borrow Maria's car, drive them up to kalkleiten in the rain, and struggled to make a raging fire with wet wood, while the drizzle soaked all the paper I was trying to use to start, and the wind blew out match after match before I had gotten it anywhere. It took 5 hours to start the fire. 

taken with the last of my phone's battery...

We were ice-cold when we got home, and wet, and hungry, but all of these things were soon remidied, and we got the ultimate luxury entertainment when Papa read the next few chapters of jack pumpkinhead again.

making racoon faces at each other

I had more viola practicing to do, and Edward gave me the extra time to catch up by reading bedtime stories to the kids. Then I suggested a crazy project to Bruno and we tried out ideas to make Spiegel im Spiegel im Spiegel

Sunday, January 3, 2021

movement and music are both wonderful (3/365e)

I had an early morning, and an early rehearsal with quintet, which was fun enough. I was hungry by the end of it and was glad that my family had not eaten yet when I got home. Everyone loved the spinach quiche that we had made last night - it's right now the only way Henry will eat eggs or spinach, which is ok for me, I guess.

Then we headed up Jakobsleiter with Edward, Pauli and kids – Brian dropped us off at the trail and then headed out on his own to run a distance of a half marathon.

We sang beautifully around the Christmas tree, and then had our family meeting with new chores, and nice impressions of the past week

Papa read the next few chapeters of jack pumpkinhead, and then as a bonus Felix got another chapter from Centa of Tolkein's "Father Chistmas" to felix, who loves it - one of his "favorite" books, so maybe an "8 out of 10".

Bath night (sweet henry let the water in for felix, but showed his mischievous side by drawing it ice-cold on purpose)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

a photo review of last year (2/365e)

When I got up, I decided to go for a walk with Maria, and as I was getting ready to go, Edward was getting ready to leave as well, and told me he was meeting up with our cousin Jörg and his girlfriend Michelle, so I quickly changed my mind and went off with them. We went all over the city, we spent about 3 hours walking up and down the schlossberg, north and south along the Mur, just talking, talking. They go back to Switzerland tomorrow, so it was nice to get to see them during their brief stay. 

I had to essentially push all the children out of the house, because they needed some movement. I took them down the street with Maria's son Gabriel and we played a game with chalk which involved first drawing a 10x10 square of squares, and x-ing out your own square until someone has no more moves. boring at first and then more and more fun to watch the 4 boys trying to figure out how to strategize. We left in time to get home for 4. the best time for the trans-continental year-in-review that papa had organizeed.

Even Aunt mary Agnes was there! Papa had created a terrific slide-show of hundreds of photos, and after he had gone through all of them, we tried for a bit to chat with everyone.

10am to 10pm at the same time

Brian and I baked another quiche late at night for tomorrow, because I have to be gone in the morning. And I practiced like a crazy lady, so much, trying to memorize 2 movements of Bach - a task that would have taken me 2 evenings 10 years ago, and now it will take at least 2 weeks - if i'm lucky.

Friday, January 1, 2021

fresh start (1/365e)

It's maybe a little bit cheating to start the year with pictures of "last night" ...but that was really officially TODAY, plus we didn't do anything else today. 

fireworks overhead

fireworks below

Resolutions for 2021

Elfrieda, do you have any resolutions for this year?: NO

*I want to fit into my blue evening gown - I wear it next Silvester, even if I have to make it wider.
*I want to do a salto on my trampoline.
*I want to attend the Fields Institute with my husband

*Attend everything at online Fields Institute until June
*Write a letter to each grandchild once a month

building a bathroom at the upper farm for Puk

I would  like to get back on my pilates schedule 30min session everyday.

"I want to tie up loose ends, recognize dead ends and generally bring projects to an end. Any end."

finish my online calendar project

*My resolution is super lame and stupid, I'm 'officially' doing the 10k steps thing, but in reality my resolution is to be more pretty because nobody likes ugly me.
*My new resolution is to have Theodore over for a week or two - he can sleep in Uncle Ludwigs room, since he doesn't feel like respecting our curfew

To wake at the latest at 7 each day. A.M. is implied

I resolve to
*go for a walk every day
*to publish 25 videos
*and make a giant family tree with papa

Quit my job 🎉 and buy a house 🏠

apply to the american film institute 

To do more stuff all together

Go to Thailand

Not so much fighting

I'll try to do that too. not hit someone for no reason. If I hit someone it will be for a REALLY good reason.