Tuesday, June 9, 2020

we can't buy everything (161/365d)

I spent the entire day at my computer working on music for tonight's buffaloes rehearsal. I ended with enough time to go on a very quick shopping trip with Brian, where we were trying to max our spending with our 20% off everything coupon. We didn't make it to the max. Not even close. We just don't need so much stuff!
found this morning...
kind of ugly, but it's also just a teeny tiny one
Buffaloes rehearsal that didn't go so very long, since we didn't need to work so much on the songs. That's also good. I was home before Henry was asleep. Brian and I went for a run up and down the schlossberg. They were repainting the lines in the streets - the paint smells so very terrible and so very far. If we hadn't been trying to avoid the stench we wouldn't have crossed the river and then we wouldn't have gone up the schlossberg, so I for one was happy with that situation.

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