Friday, June 26, 2020

*only* second prize (178/365d)

picked theodore up after an hoursworth of school today to bring him to his preparation for the prima la musica competition where he played and warmed up well, and then did a very good job. after a gorgeous walk on the schlossberg with ice cream and sun and chatting we went back for the jury decision. elke got there completely out of breath 5 minutes after her rehearsal at the opera had finished, to hear the judge announce that theodore had a 2nd prize (there are multiples of each prize) he was so disappointed that he remained monosyllabic and quiet and upset.
warming up in times of corona
henry and theodore had stattegg for the rest of the day. felix and i had our own getting ready for bed party. brian left for choir before theodore and henry got back. after a short amount of story time i got to talk to labeeby for a short time, and to bruno about a composition i had screwed up the courage to send him. his thoughts on the composition:

...this music is not like water. it is mineral music... you write like granite: hard like a tombstone
reminds me of messiaen's bird music
There is no development: just goes from gem A to gem B to gem C...

at 11 oclock i noticed theodore's light was still on :(
brian and i went for a nice long walk/run... unfortunately it was very late when we got to bed, but i guess it was worth it.

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