Thursday, June 11, 2020

cranky holiday (163/365d)

lots of wasted time today, it was a gorgeous perfect day and we barely were outside. except for 20 minutes of rollerblading and diablo with felix and henry after several hours of whiningly asking when we would go outside but nobody getting ready. but in general i actually personally got a lot done. brian was working all day, as its not a holiday in boston, and i sent in my introduction for wassanaer's concerti armonici, and did some arranging, some fiddle practicing, listened to some stockhausen and some schulhoff, and even read henry miller's "smile at the foot of the ladder" and read bedtime stories to the kids ... so some actual things.

for fun i let theodore try listening to emerald heart - bruno's synthesized masterpiece.
that's my fiddle in the background
getting a few minutes rest 

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