Friday, June 19, 2020

16 years married (171/365d)

i was sick today, no reason, brian thinks it's what he had last weekend. tired and headachey.
but felix and i went to the library and got out books
i swore i'd never been in the basement before
but felix said i'd been there with him once
and brian said i'd been there with him once
who should i believe?
and we both read a lot together. we did homework all together. in fact read all of Hoban's The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz in one sitting - a book definitively NOT for children that I found in a children's section of a used-book-store in england a few months ago, where the back cover raved about being like c.s. lewis and tolkien - it's not at all. it's allegorical and gorgeously written, and completely inappropriate for anyone under the age of 18.

they took themselves to the playground, to their orchestra rehearsal, and home again.
brian had choir practice.

technically today was our 16th year anniversary, but we didn't do much to celebrate past some ibuprofens and some dish washing.

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