Monday, June 29, 2020

no picture..... (181/365d)

Elke, and then a whole logistical dance in the rain.
It went from being 35 degrees and stifling to 11 degrees and windy and raining.

TWICE in a row, twenty minutes apart, i ordered two bowls of soup with three spoons at the same restaurant. Once with Theodore and once with Henry. Both times with Felix. We sat at the same 2 chairs outside in the one tiny spot that wasn't rained on.

Organ lessons and violin lessons and choir - each of them played a song on the organ during choir - the last day is always ice-cream and a tour of the church organ.

I went home to get to quintet rehearsal on time. went there early, got done late. olena had a mini-sadness-breakdown, so instead of rehearsal i did my part of the recording for our next projects.

Shared a glass of celebratory wine afterwards and tried to draw cows and bicycles.

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