Monday, June 8, 2020

fancy breakfast (159/365d)

Fancy Breakfast morning. although everyone was a bit cranky from the full day yesterday we found a way to get ourselves into a good mood and enjoy our breakfast. Nina brought croissants, Centa made english muffins. Brian put the toaster outside. Felix picked herbs. Henry set the table and took the picture. Theodore joined us at the last minute because he was busy copying tennyson poems.
the adults
Brian picked 7 strawberries
and felix picked 14
and calculated that everyone could have 3.
I decided the pogo stick was too loud for Sunday in the city so I tried to divert Henry to learning the diablo. He got better and better and only stopped when Ronja and Zorah came over for roller blading practice. I went with them, but no sooner had we really started practicing but I noticed I had to leave for rehearsal.

I met Barbara at her new apartment and got a little mini tour and then we finally, after what feels like forever had a quintet rehearsal again - which was delightful because it felt like we were just back to normal - our together playing was of course a bit minorly rusty but we could dive right into work.
the fly-nal countdown
i biked home at dusk and was dead tired - asleep shortly after 10.

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