Saturday, June 13, 2020

celebrate! (165/365d)

Today we worked very hard to make Felix' birthday a success without doing any actual planning.
Mostly in the morning I had to last-minute shop for gifts, which involved running (literally) around town in the hot sun... on the way back i was draped in an impulse-purchased hula-hoop. theodore and henry hid all the gifts and felix and i made cake.

Nina came over for grilling, and we enjoyed perfect outdoor weather despite all the threatening weather forecasts.
gathered round, singing
felix gathered all the raspberries. we tried to help
but he was faster and better at finding
felix's favorite present was the little gemstone kit where you "dig" for stones... it was cute and fun but the opposite of educational - they even forgot to change the word "paleontologist" to "geologist" in the instructions.

starting to "dig"
first finding
all found, an amethyst, a quartz and a tiger eye
We went roller blading afterwards and then the foersters came over and played till very late (later than we expected because we adults sat on the porch and discussed deep world problems)
felix pronounced the party a success, and i was awarded 28(!) hazelnuts for my cake.

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