Friday, June 5, 2020

new things (157/365d)

since we had a new stove being delivered today, i desperately needed to paint that corner on the room so i did that homework time - despite the paint that we had being completely ruined - i just used artists acrylic paint instead for the touch-up job - a bit expensive if you were to do a whole wall but perfectly serviceable for now.

too felix to his first brigitta lesson since long before the pandemic and he did such a great job there.

we had jackie and ronja for lunch/dinner all while nadja was here for henry's lesson. and then we all together brought a fig tree whip to jackie's house, rolling the big pot full of dirt the km there and back
theodore and henry had a stattegg rehearsal and felix and i waited around till the new stove and washing machine got here.

then brian was done with work and the three of us walked and ran and biked along the mur, gathering fruit along the way.
brian and felix in the tiny cherry tree
we arrived back at flosslendplatz serendipitously at the same time as theodore and henry.

we made spinach pancakes for dinner and i had a catch-up chat with manuela

bread rising in the new oven
it's so pretty

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