Tuesday, June 2, 2020

things are starting to reopen (154/365d)

abenteuerspielplatz opened again after a long time... Felix wanted to be the VERY first kid in (he wasn't but close) and they went there and stayed as long as possible. Henry and Brian picked up roller blades the correct size for Henry and. Theodore had a skype lesson because of yesterday's holiday.

when they got back, although it was late, we read a bit with agnes - animals build amazing homes. henry was so sad that i told him it was too late to go skating, so he and i roller bladed at the last minute while the others took their baths. (and on the way back some creepy guy tried a pick-up line about how i must be henry's baby-sitter because i don't look like a mom. what is wrong with people?)

no picture for today, because they were all bad - just experimental lighting shots that didn't work out.
but i did write a haiku for bruno who's working on stockhousen's tierkreis:

our stars don't align
we're born beneath another
false zodiac sign

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