Wednesday, June 17, 2020

"so viel energie!" (169/365d)

henry was really really cranky - and i didn't handle it that well, at least in large part because i had a bad headache. :( the others were in a good mood, so i rustled up some energy to play hanabi outside in what started as a really perfect-weathered day

there was also (related to our crankiness? unrelated? who can tell?) a terrifying thunderstorm that then caused an internet outage right as i was in the middle of a wonderful conversation with my papa.

at this time i would also like to ask: what's better a better breakfast for the first day of a period than "pain au chocolate"? especially one hiding with nina in the garden?

at my buffaloes rehearsal this evening things went pretty well - they didn't notice i had a headache and even said i was terrific and really full of energy ... hmmm...

don't i look full of energy?

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