Wednesday, June 24, 2020

less is sometimes more (176/365d)

Felix wrote a beautiful letter to grandpapa - it took several hours and it was just really nice to see how carefully he worked and how much more he wrote. word count also was very important. the goal was 200. which he reached - exactly - including his name.

while he wrote, I read ducks, Newburyport.... Felix pointed out "if this book was boring we could cut it up like Theodore's" referring to Theodore's book-box project a few days ago.

Henry was so motivated by the promise of visiting his friend Niklas that he was done with his homework in record time.

I played Pinoche. - Felix still has to teach me the rules.
he can be a patient teacher
i was nervous and unprepared before my Buffaloes rehearsal this evening, which went kind of ok in the end. i went for a run on my own when i got back and felt much better.

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