Saturday, June 27, 2020

i guess staying up late makes me tired (179/365d)

Kids in stategg for orchestra practice day - 8 hours... I thought i would get done everything in the world... but i was so very tired

felix was adorable, he helped me water the garden, played lots of pinochle, played his piano duets with me, and read a lot.

when brian came back from dropping the kids off at stattegg he went to the farmer's market and then promptly went to sleep for a few hours.

pauli came over right when i got into the working groove, but it was ok, i was not particularly efficient. from my spot from different perspectives i saw these two:
the nice thing... we didn't have to cook, jacky called with a spontaneous invitation to dinner and we grilled and had salads, so nice... only problem was we went to sleep quite late again.

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