Wednesday, June 10, 2020

summer rain (162/365d)

woke up with a henry and felix snuggling in my bed. two hours later nobody had finished breakfast or started homework.
i went for my morning run to gather school materials felix had left in school and which he needed to start his homework. on the way back i met manfred for a brief moment.

there was a huge thunderstorm right when the kids got ready to walk out the door. the rain came down in sheets, and the downspout on the reisingerhouse even came down. we sat there watching the rain and the lightning for a while and then when it had cleared up a bit they went to the abenteuerspielplatz.
tried to get macro rain shots but then the water just came down so hard i was soaked
with no good video or photo to show for it
fiddled around with my fiddle while the kids played scratch and felix read about christopher columbus. he is reading like mad right now - i am very pleased even though i have to pick up books from all over the floor the tables the chairs.

talked to bruno at night about astronomy, music, experimental techniques in novels and cooking.

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