Monday, June 22, 2020

best of mondays, worst of mondays (174/365d)

best of mornings, worst of mornings.
we read ronja robber's daughter in bed and then had a really bad homework session

i left for a scant hour and a half for my lesson with elke - who determined my bach going well

they had organ lessons and those not in the lessons, hung out in the hallway bread and cheese - we found a baby bird and tried to rehome it because it was motionless in the middle of the street. it might just have been scared. it seemed to have flown off a few minutes later.

we played ZEBU - a fun little game that Grandpapa sent by magic mail - first very frustrating the felix though he quickly began to be a masterful player
what number am i thinking of?
i took Theodore's to the stadtpark to practice traffic rules for his upcoming biking exam

there was chorus and i had time for one game of pinochle with felix before i had to go again to quintet rehearsal which was smashing! and there was wine!

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