Friday, June 5, 2020

emerald heart (156/365d)

shopping with brian in the morning. we went all over the city, first for appliances, then the farmers market, and finally bought flower pots - for which we went to 4 different stores. came back, cooked and then went roller blading with henry after school..

i biked henry (fast!) to sing schule and read (theodore's book, the house of arden) and wrote (2 poems!) in the hof.

buffaloes rehearsal went well again, i have my work cut out for me for the next few days.
then i lay under the table in the living room and listened to bruno's extensive (16 minutes!) strange-but-beautiful electronic music composition (title: emerald heart) with 8 different levels of surround sound and discussed it with him afterwards while brian had a now-normal 10pm work meeting and went for his run.

listening: from above
listening: looking up

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