Monday, June 1, 2020

hexeneier (153/365d)

a wonderfully comfy reading nest in bed this morning

henry made a tool to hold the book open

theodore concentrating
and when felix finished reading, he went to make his breakfast oatmeal...
balancing on the refrigerator
and then we rustled ourselves into gear and went to hilmteich with pauli. brian had to work today because his incoming, new job is in boston. he had to work on memorial day because his outgoing job is in vienna.

pauli and i had lovely conversations wandering around with the kids following around and finding new places, mushrooms, plants... new to us, i mean. like these witches eggs, "hexeneier" - the egg stage of the stinkhorn mushroom
newly dug out
freshly cut open
supposedly you can eat them raw... (eww?) but we settled for coffee/ice cream instead.
happy hikers
back at home nina and her parents came over to look at our asparagus patch and to ask for growing tips while centa and the kids played pinochle.

we played music and went roller-blading and then we cooked those weird hexeneier....
very strange - kind of crunchy
tasted a bit nutty and pleasant like radish
but also we had to convince our psyches to try to enjoy them
we liked the champignons that we collected better and ate them standing up by the stove, out of the frying pan before bed.

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