Saturday, June 20, 2020

rush hour mulberry pie (172/365d)

made mulberry pie with mulberries that brian gathered
that's what i call instagram worthy food
not that i have instagram
henry played rush hour getting all the way through all the cards, "expert level"
his 40th puzzle
Also he played it with agnes over skype, she told him which one to me that sounds tedious and not-fun for both parties
But they enjoyed it
we all talked with grandpapa for a nice long time

biked to the konservatory with theodore and practiced for prima la musica... i thought we would be practicing with christian, the accompanist, but we were just alone. so we got a few minutes in the hall to get used to acoustics and i got to play a bit on a steinway.

theodore practiced his biking for his upcoming biking-license test.

we got everyone to get their pajamas on in under a minute by promising a "pajama cookie" (left-over pie dough baked into little cookies) to anybody who could do it. if only we could do that sometimes without the cookie part.

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