Sunday, June 21, 2020

project started, project finished (173/365d)

croissants and roller blading with the foersters at 9am, on henry's insistence. i had to run back home to get to quintet rehearsal on time. the rehearsal went quite nice. when i got home the foersters and the mulberry pie was gone (well, i still got a piece) and brian finished that boaz-jachim book.

theodore had a really cool project that he finished
 an exacto-knife and a (maybe too-interesting book)

he read about hiding your diary in a book and went down the street to the free-bookshelf and got himself a book last week. after cutting out about 50 pages he started to tape them back in again because it was such an interesting book about the opium wars. so he went back to the free-bookshelf again and got a really intensely horrible book. and cut the pages out one at a time. brian and i had to help him a lot at the end because he made the opening *exactly* the same size as his diary, which meant it didn't actually fit in when he finished. so we used the drill and a dremel and other power tools to fit it in for him. i was impressed and proud of his perseverence. even i had blisters from using the exacto knife, and i didn't even do that much of it.

we talked to grandpapa and didipatz (i even got to say hello to ivette and mama!)

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