Sunday, June 14, 2020

father's day (166/365d)

read some "ducks, newberryport" early in the morning on the porch with my coffee, since i had no room in my bed - it was piled high with 1 husband and 3 sons. i wanted to take a photo, but henry noticed me and laughed and everyone woke up.

brian brought henry to nadja's house for a lesson - they biked there and back. then he cooked dinner. that's a good way to spend father's day, i think.

we went rollerblading again - this time in on-and-off-again rain.

we played lots of hanabi (felix's gift from manuela) and set; and we played plenty of music, including a wonderful rendition of 3 part harmony on good-night irene.

went to bed much earlier than yesterday.

nothingness, fathers day... felix gave him a present he's been saving for weeks - a heart-shaped rock
roller-skating while brian took a nap - with michi and raphi - marko worked on the balcony floor
heart-shaped rock <3

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