we didn't celebrate felix's birthday today, but we did have lots of fun ...
a sushi picnic on the mur
and the rest of a cake that centa made for her seminar colleagues
and we picked cherries on the mur
and got new watches in the mail
and read books together
and played piano together
picnic selfie on the rocks |
making their own sushi on the waters' edge |
i went for a run this morning listening to a radiolab podcast about responsible police conduct and how difficult it is to discern in a court of law. - it was my first time trying to run with earphones, and it was a half-success. next time over-the-head head-phones, not ear-buds.
made delicious bread that didn't even get tried yet because everyone was still full from sushi and cake.
stattegg rehearsal for the two older ones while felix and i first looked at photos from 2013 and then chatted with my papa and looked at photos from 1993 and 1994 that were newly scanned.
nostalgic in the evening, crying about puff the magic dragon and singing goodnight irene with my kids who were trying their best to sing as silly as possible because, afterall, *they* weren't nostalgic ......
chatted with edward in the evening while brian was at choir and then out very late with chorcafe.