Tuesday, March 31, 2020

did you axe for the axe? (91/365d)

another day of mostly roses

slept in kind of, and then made up a music theory class for everyone, names of the notes and some intervals etc. we actually played tons of music today - piano and cello and violin. (henry started learning the first bach cello suite! - theodore and i try out my vivaldi - he plays his part, and i play a violin arrangement of the orchestra part, which works pretty well, actually!)

first henry and felix and i planted lots of seeds and then they got out some aggression by axing a tree stump. it looked even more wild in real life.
taking turns
also we went for a lovely family walk along the mur - it started to snow in the sunshine. when we talked about roses and thorns (at teatime with coconut cookies that brian baked while theodore and i were practicing) everyone but me said they didn't like the cold and the wind.

only minor thorn was a loud and long henry trantrum, which ended up with him snuggling for an entire wonder clock story.

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