Monday, March 9, 2020

one-on-one time with henry is a great thing (69/365d)

My lesson with Elke was postponed a few hours so I got to make a new wikipedia page for justus weinreich. yay more viola power on wikipedia.

Early in the morning, Centa left for Salzburg again, for the first time in over a month. Henry had not gotten to say goodbye to her properly last night because he had been busy with a temper tantrum about who got the "best" ruler.

So after I had a lesson with Elke I headed into town and picked Henry up from his organ lesson, and then he and i hung out at a coffee shop and had soup (he liked it so i even ordered him some!) and made ruler/compass drawings.  we had so much fun!

When it was time for chorus we found Brian and Felix there, and we fixed it so that the three of them could walk home together afterwards so Brian and I got a nice walk home together.
tulips by evening work light
did a bit of blog-updating and talking to labeeby and nick in the evening.... (how do i get so behind on updating this stupid thing? maybe the atomic habits book that i'm reading can help with that...)

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